Minimally implicit Runge-Kutta methods and astrophysical applications

In this talk I will present the minimally implicit Runge-Kutta (MIRK) methods. I will show their application in two different hyperbolic systems of equations with stiff source terms. On one hand, these methods have been sucessfully applied in the evolution of the resistive relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations following Komissarov (2007) approach. On the other hand, these schemes have been also sucessfully applied in the evolution of the neutrino transport equations within the M1 closure approximation, and used in supernovae simulations. I will conclude the talk with some general remarks.

Isabel Cordero-Carrión will also be the speaker of the SEGRE public talk: “Ondas
gravitatorias: vibraciones del universo”. This talk will be carried out in Spanish.